This episode is a special release, when Seb interviews Tim Riley and Luca Guidi from the Hanami Core Team, asking them questions collected from the community! This way we enjoy reaching our important milestone of releasing 50th Hanami Mastery episode!
When there is a complete framework rewrite, upgrading may be tricky, and it definitely is this time. Hope this guide will help you save some headache during upgrading on the hardest shift ever.
There are plenty of popular ways to handle pagination in Ruby apps. But did you know, that ROM supports Pagination out of the box? And so Hanami does? In this episode, I'll show you how to quickly implement pagination from scratch for your Hanami projects.
If you have experience testing ruby applications, I'm sure you've heard about FactoryBot. Here I show you the alternative, suited for ROM-based applications, including Hanami 2.
Understand data mapping in ROM, on all levels! In this episode we go through examples of simple to complex data mapping with ROM, with real usecases for each one.
Hanami 2.0 comes without the persistence layer nor views preconfigured. It is useful then to know how to set up the best ORM available in the Ruby ecosystem.
dry-system and dry-container are extremely powerful tools and if you understand how to work with them, you'll never look back. It's amazing that Hanami uses them by default! Check out some useful debugging tips!
I've wondered why Hanami uses sequel under the hood. There are some problems with ActiveRecord, but I've wanted to know exactly, what it is about. Here is the summary of my foundings.