
Recent articles and screencasts related to hanami

#54 Last Puzzle in place! Fullstack Hanami 2.2!

Hanami 2.2-beta2 is relased, which finally becomes a complete, fullstack framework. Let's make a blog in Hanami taking a closer look at its basic features.

Working with templates is a hard job and eliminating the logic out of them is absolutely not trivial. In this episode we'll use Hanami tools to implement advanced forms.

Showing flash messages in Hanami is trivial, and it is even shown in the official guides. In this episode though, we make this future-proof, testable, and maintainable for a future growth of your application.

Probably any web app nowadays requires font icons to be loaded this or other way. In this episode, I'm showing the integration of Font Awesome icons in Hanami 2 applications.

This episode is a special release, when Seb interviews Tim Riley and Luca Guidi from the Hanami Core Team, asking them questions collected from the community! This way we enjoy reaching our important milestone of releasing 50th Hanami Mastery episode!

Registry pattern is one of many programming best practices, applied by default in Hanami projects. In this episode, we deep dive into how the registry pattern is used in Hanami apps and explain how it works.

There is a famous video about the IT skill iceberg - but thankfully, there is an alternative. If you ever wondered if you can build entire websites without HTML overhead, now you can! Meet Phlex, a view engine, where you can write Ruby instead of HTML

Sending emails in web apps is a very common task. In this video, I'm going to send a contact email using hanami-mailer gem.

When there is a complete framework rewrite, upgrading may be tricky, and it definitely is this time. Hope this guide will help you save some headache during upgrading on the hardest shift ever.

With the release of Hanami 2.1, the view layer is fully integrated with our Hanami applications. Let's check how to make use of a form helper to send a contact email.

#45 Github integration with HanamiPRO

If you're a developer, you know GitHub. And if you don't know Hanami, you definitely should. In this episode, I'll show you how to make them both to know each other.

In the world of amazing technology pace, integrations between services are the key to success and the same applies to ruby projects. In this episode, we integrate our Hanami application with Google drive.

Learn how to quickly deploy Hanami apps to production-ready server, using Render hosting provider, the best replacement for Heroku right now.

I always liked rails templating collections that allowed us to quickly compose ruby apps. Now the same is possible for Hanami!

In this episode we are going to design high-level concept of Hanami-based Web application. In 2023 we're going to automate a few things, and create production-ready Hanami application, that will support our content creation.

In Hanami, you can reduce technical debt and keep fast development when the application grows. For that, slices is the key feature to revolutionize the way you think about web applications in Ruby.

Handling exceptions is one of the most needed features for any applications that can scale. If you are wondering, how to handle errors in Hanami 2 applications, don't look for more.

There are plenty of popular ways to handle pagination in Ruby apps. But did you know, that ROM supports Pagination out of the box? And so Hanami does? In this episode, I'll show you how to quickly implement pagination from scratch for your Hanami projects.

Understand data mapping in ROM, on all levels! In this episode we go through examples of simple to complex data mapping with ROM, with real usecases for each one.

Relations are the heart of ROM, but for bigger applications, you'll appreciate to know repositories.

Hanami 2.0 comes without the persistence layer nor views preconfigured. It is useful then to know how to set up the best ORM available in the Ruby ecosystem.

Routing is one of the basic components of any web application. In this episode I'll dig a bit into the Hanami router from the usage point of view, covering why it's great and how to work with it.

Serialize your API responses in Hanami applications with alba - the fastest ruby serialization gem

Validating data input is an extremely important problem to tackle in all applications. In Ruby ecosystem there is no better tool for that than dry-validation. Here is why!

dry-schema is an extremely powerful validation engine for Ruby applications and as it's a built-in validation solution for Hanami projects, It is important to get familiar with it.

Hanami actions are one of the richest building blocks in terms of available features and in this episode I want to go over them, showing how to validate params, handle errors and and use before or after hooks.

Check out these 4 ways to separate your business logic aside of your application layer in Ruby applications.

Dependency injection brings you great power, but comes with its own headaches. If you can get rid of them, You're left with the power only. In Ruby, with dry-system, it's possible. Here is how!

dry-system and dry-container are extremely powerful tools and if you understand how to work with them, you'll never look back. It's amazing that Hanami uses them by default! Check out some useful debugging tips!

Authorizating your API applications can be trivial, if you have proper tolls to do it. Here I showcase how authorization with JWT can be done effortless in any ruby application by using Hanami 2 as an example.

2 real-world examples of using algebraic effects in Hanami ruby applications with dry-effects.

I've wondered why Hanami uses sequel under the hood. There are some problems with ActiveRecord, but I've wanted to know exactly, what it is about. Here is the summary of my foundings.

If you can contribute to open-source, do it only if you can benefit from it. So if you can't benefit, either drop the idea or... make it beneficial!

Every application needs persistence. Saving records in a database is just a must. Here is how you can do it in Hanami applications!

When I've started with learning Hanami, I've struggled a lot because of the different concepts Hanami has over Rails. In this episode of Hanami Mastery I'm mapping Rails to Hanami for easier learning.

People ask me about the simple explanation of Hanami architecture. Why is it so complicated? Is it? I'll try to explain it in simple words.

In this episode I make use of Bulma CSS framework and integrate it with Hanami 2.0 application to prettify it with the least effort possible.

In this episode I explain the Hanami architecture related to view rendering, by using Hanami View, Hanami Actions, and templates, to list articles for a blog application.

How to create a brand new Hanami app lighting fast by using the Hanami application template.

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