
Recent articles and screencasts related to views

#52 Render flash messages in Hanami, but like a PRO

Showing flash messages in Hanami is trivial, and it is even shown in the official guides. In this episode though, we make this future-proof, testable, and maintainable for a future growth of your application.

Probably any web app nowadays requires font icons to be loaded this or other way. In this episode, I'm showing the integration of Font Awesome icons in Hanami 2 applications.

There is a famous video about the IT skill iceberg - but thankfully, there is an alternative. If you ever wondered if you can build entire websites without HTML overhead, now you can! Meet Phlex, a view engine, where you can write Ruby instead of HTML

With the release of Hanami 2.1, the view layer is fully integrated with our Hanami applications. Let's check how to make use of a form helper to send a contact email.

In this episode I make use of Bulma CSS framework and integrate it with Hanami 2.0 application to prettify it with the least effort possible.

In this episode I explain the Hanami architecture related to view rendering, by using Hanami View, Hanami Actions, and templates, to list articles for a blog application.

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