This episode is a special release, when Seb interviews Tim Riley and Luca Guidi from the Hanami Core Team, asking them questions collected from the community! This way we enjoy reaching our important milestone of releasing 50th Hanami Mastery episode!
Utility scripts in Ruby can be very powerful, but also very messy. In this episode I showcase dry-cli, to help you maintain advanced ruby CLI programs.
Validating data input is an extremely important problem to tackle in all applications. In Ruby ecosystem there is no better tool for that than dry-validation. Here is why!
dry-schema is an extremely powerful validation engine for Ruby applications and as it's a built-in validation solution for Hanami projects, It is important to get familiar with it.
Dependency injection brings you great power, but comes with its own headaches. If you can get rid of them, You're left with the power only. In Ruby, with dry-system, it's possible. Here is how!
Dependency Injection is an extremely useful programming technique and can be easily implemented in Ruby! Mastering it is an important skill to leverage the power of Hanami applications! dry-container is one way to help you with it!
dry-system and dry-container are extremely powerful tools and if you understand how to work with them, you'll never look back. It's amazing that Hanami uses them by default! Check out some useful debugging tips!
Authorizating your API applications can be trivial, if you have proper tolls to do it. Here I showcase how authorization with JWT can be done effortless in any ruby application by using Hanami 2 as an example.
A struct with static type check for all attributes is a pretty useful thing in Ruby and all other languages. Here are 3 examples of useful applications for typed structs using dry-struct.
Everyone knows how messy Rails controllers can be come. In this episode, I'm implementing the service-pattern on steroids using dry-monads in my sample Rails application.
Have you ever need to stringify keys outside of rails? Whether you want to import or export CSVs or communicate with external services you may need to parse the input to different output. 'dry-transformer' can help you with it.
Configuring projects and components is one of the most common features in programming in general. dry-configurable is a standalone gem providing you exactly this in Ruby! Read about how to use it.