
Recent articles and screencasts related to thoughts

Open Source Heroes - A Poem of Appreciation.

Working with open source for a long time is tremendous work, often unappreciated. Join me with a moment of sharing a word of appreciation to one of OSS heroes you know!

The 2022 was a big progress for me in multiple fields, but 2023 is going to be even bigger. Let's summarize the year, stop for a while to thank everyone, and figure out plans for the upcoming year!

If you can contribute to open-source, do it only if you can benefit from it. So if you can't benefit, either drop the idea or... make it beneficial!

One of the most common problems in web applications, is to update the application state based on the business rules. How it's possible, that API specification does not cover it?

People seem to be surprised being mentioned in my articles, tweets, videos, or when I send a personal 'thank you' email. I've decided to sort it out here...

Open-Source development is hard nowadays. Here I explain how I want to make it easier.

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